1. Add a LANX gift box to your cart
  2. Add multiple accessories to your cart
  3. ⁠Checkout and pay
  4. ⁠We’ll ensure your accessories are shipped inside a LANX gift box
  5. The more accessories you purchase the larger the gift box/ more gift boxes we will provide - at no extra charge.


Add £200+ worth of accessories to your cart, use code ACC15 at checkout to receive a 15% discount on your accessories and gift box. This accessories bundle discount prevents your ability to input other discounts codes at checkout. We allow 1 discount code offer per checkout.


  • Each LANX gift box is left unsealed, giving you the freedom to add to the gift box and arrange the accessories within exactly as you please.
  • If you require and want to guarantee additional physical gift boxes, please add additional gift boxes to your cart. The exact quantity of gift boxes you purchase will be shipped to you, allowing you to distribute the accessories as you require.
  • ⁠This is not a “gift wrapping” service - we only provide a gift box.
  • LANX rucksacks do not fit inside the gift boxes - so will be sent separately if purchased within the above accessories bundle offer. 
  • All the accessories in stock on our website are available at our Whalley shop, but only limited items at our Manchester shop.
  • LANX shoes are packaged in their own branded shoe box and are not available for gift boxing.